Friday, November 8, 2013

Boys, Dad Will be Out Tomorrow

Boys, Dad will be out tomorrow. I cannot check your homework, play with you or drive you to all your fun activities. You are still too young to understand, but Dad will write it down so that you'll be able to read it one day, especially if something happened later and Dad cannot tell you the story.

Dad taught you that all races are equal. Dad also encouraged you to have friends of all races and family backgrounds. Dad understands that you are always trying to understand your identities. You are Chinese American. We expect that you understand everything in Chinese culture. And you are an authentic part of American. You are unique and the lucky to be in the fusion of two great cultures. When you grow up, you will be free to choose your destination and nationality in the world. No matter where you choose to go, Dad wishes that you are the best.

Dad understands that you sometimes come back and tell Dad that you don't have (many non-Asian) friends at school because they don't like your color. These non-Asian people may like some Asian American especially girls more, because their color is lighter. Dad told you that you need to think in yourself how you can go across the culture gaps and make friends, because shade of color is never the determining factor. Dad loves you, your silly words, your darker skin, and your unique voices. You will be able to make more friends if you confidently get out of your own group and invite everyone to play on equal term. Dad knows that you are the boy who cares everyone and helps everyone, before you take care of your own work. Dad is proud of you.

Dad didn't tell you much that there are always dark sides in the human nature. You can already feel it but you are still too young to understand the prejudice that separate people apart and encourage resentment between them. This is a side-effect of the human way of quick pattern recognition and social intuition. Dad hopes to teach you how to be "blind" to color, race, nationality, accent and religion as you are growing up.

Tomorrow is a special day. It will be the awakening of Chinese American Civil Rights Movement. It is still quite chaotic. There's no good coordination or organizations in a lot of places. There are diverse interests and maybe things behind the scene. Everyone could have their own different voices, angles or opinions. There may also be pundits siting on the side line and making comments about every imperfections or craziness.  But Dad hopes that this message goes through. There should be tolerance of free speech rights. Hold your judgment and join the peaceful debate.  We don't have to agree with each other to start the talk. But let's make tomorrow a day we all join the discussions and have constructive dialogues with everyone and every races. We don't have to be in 100% agreement to get involve into a world. We join and learn from each other to be better.

There has been a recent TV show in which Jimmy Kimmel had four American kids to discuss about China's holding of U.S. National Debt. One kid volunteered the "unscripted" solution of shooting canons all the way to the other end and kill EVERYONE in China. Another kid thought a wall should be built to prevent Chinese debt holders from coming to United States. The kids agreed that if they want to kill all Chinese, they will have to kill them all first so that American lives are not lost in the war. The only concern for them if that if they killed Chinese there will be no one (at least foreigners) daring to buy U.S. Debt to trade with America and support U.S. economy, or their living standard. But getting rid of more than a billion Chinese is their top task of the day. It was meant to be a satire of U.S. policy makers' speeches. However, there are also people deeply disturbed by the hatred against Chinese among kids, politicians and media. There's no need to point out, killing billions of feeding hands for one's debt problem or living standard is wrong. What's missing in this show is that China's buying and holding of U.S. Debt is never a threat nor oversized. Unlike mortgages, a country can default on national debt without losing any of their belongings except future borrowing privileges. People will not lend money to them anymore without getting their money back. Another issue is national debt in its own currency can always be paid off, if a country wants to honor the promise, by printing more paper money. The debt holder has only rights to the paper that worth more or less depends on how the printing and recycling program works. Downside for this kind of paying off is that it hurts all debt holders and users of this paper money. Together with the world, American will lose their valuable savings and purchasing power. In fact, China's buying and holding U.S. Debt help U.S. to weather the worst recession since the Great Depression. The media or the smart comedian king never cares to tell American these facts.

People feeling the show offensive found out that the "unscripted" show was not live but have gone through Disney/ABC's editorial process. They demand retraction and apology. Their request is simple, if we cannot say "kill all the Jews" or "kill all the black people", we cannot say "kill everyone in China". It is not something to joke casually in front of a huge audience.

Jimmy Kimmel and Disney/ABC had plenty of time and opportunities to clear it up and send a strong message to the world what they really meant. Instead, Disney sent a private letter to a persistent Asian American organization telling them that they were too sensitive and didn't get the entertainment value. All they can do is taking the video offline and reiterate that they will never purposefully do anything wrong. Jimmy made the apology that "You know, today is a weird day. There seems to be a lot of people upset with me, more upset than usual.... So I just want to say I am sorry. I apologize. It was certainly not my intent to upset anyone." He certainly cares more about his comedian king status and dignity than whoever being offended by the outrageous talking of killing billions in vain for American's living standard. When a Chinese American suggested that he should resign, he is clearly upset, "sorry that's not going to happen".

By digging their feet into the ground rather than coming clear to denounce the "most preposterous” kids talks, Jimmy Kimmel and Disney / ABC made it clear that they enjoyed this entertainment and all the messages the show carried. They action told us that they still don't see anything wrong with the show and felt that they had a good joke. In school across the United State of America, kids of different races are now picking up the messages. They point at a Chinese American's head and said "kill you all Chinese." They want to be the comedian king’s coolest guest.

Jimmy Kimmel may be "innocent" and "honest". But we know that many places have zero tolerance for offensive racial speeches. If you agree that protection of one's comedian king status is more important than a sincere apology and clear clarification, then you will support him to remain in the shows. Otherwise you should join everyone in denouncing the show and the creators who are not distancing themselves and society from the darkness of hate speeches. Scholars and attorneys will argue forever how to tell a joke from a hate speech as well as the best solutions. We just tell everyone that all races should have equal rights.

Jimmy Kimmel is smart and thinks that he didn't break any laws. After all, laws are not meant to dictate "right or wrong" but to serve as arbitrator in case of a conflict, in the specific cultural environment. Any lawsuit will be expensive and prolonged with uncertain outcomes. It could well be a lot of money wasted to sue him since people need rights of free speech more than the desire to eradicate all hate speeches. The best weapon against hate speech is more good speeches. The rights to judge what’s right or wrong don’t exclusively belong to the elite who can perfectly understand every languages or technicalities. The people with open minds are the best juries.

So you know why Dad will go out tomorrow. We want to have the good speeches that get people to champion equal protection to everyone. We want Jimmy Kimmel and Disney/ABC to get it that they are not a higher class that will never do wrong. Their arrogance already told us which speech they encourage. It is up to them to repair their images, reconcile and rebuild the bridge they burnt. Dad wants you to learn how to treat others and how to apologize. Also how to tell what are lies when majority if not all the media were telling you something that's wrong.

With the Chinese American Civil Rights Movement, we hope that you will be proud as a Chinese American, be proud of moms and dads, and be proud of your own culture identity and the two cultures heritage you are exposed to. You will understand that by being silent we experienced the segregation, exclusion and decrepit old Chinatown  We no longer hide our message in baffling traditional “Chinese” silence, tea leaves, or cryptic nuanced indirect response. By going out speaking to all races we are across the gap to become “American” just like all others in the world. The American here is not about the nationality but the culture and ways of speech formed in the new world from the melting pot of different races.  The world is for everyone. Chinese Americans have the rights to go anywhere they want, be part of the vocal community and the leaders for the better world.

It probably won’t be a smooth or easy sail. There may be misunderstanding, backlashes, and even blood in this new chapter of civil rights movement in America. A lot of laws may also need to be rewritten, by everyone now understand how important to hold hands together. Chinese American will join hands with everyone, including the people from the two great cultures and all others. This is Martin Luther King's Dream, for America, for the world.

Dad and mom hope that this is the best we can pass on to you, our little boys. You should be proud of your identity and what mom and dad gave you.

[One of our blogger contributed this. It was from a Dad’s perspective to his two little boys. It is not saying moms and girls are not in. Nor does it mean kids are not participants in the Chinese American civil rights movement.]

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