Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Hate Speech or Offensive Speech or funny Free Speech? 

Majority of people tries to stay within socially acceptable or politically correct boundary. Some enjoy poking fun at establishment. Others chose to be provocative. What set their speech apparent is really whether they offend the people they should care about. Then how to address and make up for the offense, if unintended.

We educate kids and ourselves to apologize when we inconvenience people, from simple things like unintentionally blocked a path in the park to a big oops. However we still see arrogant apology from corporation with virtually pocket as deep as ocean to get hundreds of thousands, if not millions, more upset.

A skit is a skit. People may take it out of context. They may just overheard snippets from third-parties. They may simply not be able to see its entertainment value due to their life experiences, they culture or merely language barriers. How to tell a responsible person or corporation apart? Their approaches and their commitment for the better.

If we were to apologize, we'll

1. Thanks for the people bring to our attention. We offer our sincere apology to everyone being offended. Immediately publish it at least as prominent as the original questioned act aired.

2. Explain that it is our fault we didn't make it easier and enjoyable enough to this group of audience. We were indeed not aware of all the cultural and language nuances. It is inexcusable if we had the resource but chose not.

3. Our commitment to addressing this now and in the future. What rules, procedures, checks and tests we will establish and maintain.

4. Ask the offended people ideas for improvement. Although it is virtually not impossible not to get anyone offended. A large group of otherwise impartial audience are never wrong.

Lastly, a more debatable topic for this Halloween --innocent cool costume or culture caricature? Clearly merchandiser can argue about free speech and their innocence. It is not costume but rather the people, audience and the context they were used that make it either cool or offensive. However PotteryBarn simply chose to apologize and move on. Are they coward or courageous?

Others may chose to dig their heels in and fight to the bitter end, spin their side of stories, insisting that they were the right. In the process they add more bad taste, distrust, and wound to each other, their audiences and bystanders.

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American Won the War Against Debt Terrorism!

If we give Jimmy Kimmel and Disney the maximum benefit of doubt and assume the movie is really only mocking American politicians, then the so called "sincere apology" and following up clarification of innocent "unscripted" spontaneous solution to "kill EVERYONE" has been bone-chilling. 

Let's try to go further on the entertainment episodes:

American Won the War Against Debt Terrorism!
[...Drum and March...]

Chapter 1: * Missing Princesses

This holiday season of 2013, there were no princesses in Disneyland. They were all gone. Only Skulls, Crossbones, Skeletons and Jack-o-Lanterns from Halloween season remained.

A child betrayed the secret. The US was secretly building the real "Death Star" so that it soon "came to the other end to kill EVERYONE  in China". People thought its joke but it is for real! “They cannot kill us, they will be killed. Yeah, they will all be killed!”

Mulan overheard the plan and she determined to go back home to defend her homeland. She asked Jasmine to help for the Magic Carpet. Couldn't bear to see her friends go alone, Jasmine and the other princesses joined her. There are also all kind of issues in China. But princesses were willing to give a try and teach people about the magic of peace, love rather than hatred. They were tired of everyday domestic violence and rote debunked and novel story of warmongers. If they cannot change American, maybe at least they can help on the other side.

The United States marched on to the road of building Death Star and the Borg rules. There's no laughter on the street. Only soldiers looked like and were loyal like exactly cloned storm troopers.

Chapter 2: * World War III *

Fast forward to 2045, American killed everyone in China after an eight year bitter war. The death star and massive nuclear warheads worked in wonders with a preemptive strike. No problem, even a wolf always had good reasons to teach the lamb some good lesson. The only disappointment was chemical chambers. Powerful international companies pushed Chinese manufacturers to churn out all kind of goods at such lower price point and margin that China was already badly polluted. The population there already carry the gene mutation immune to deadly dose of chemicals. In fact, if were for the wonderful masks American soldiers have they might have been dead upon arrival.

This time there's no one left alive. General Clayton declared. Imperial Japanese Army been there a century ago was no match to American army even at that time. There's even no need to have a reservation land for the survivor. Any trace of paper and electronic records on the surface of earth were destroyed too. There were no witness or records of IOU needed.

As general come home, he found a deserted miserable land much worse than south side of Chicago. No one dared to lend USA money for whatever reason just to be nuked next. Domestic hunger rate shoot up from one out of six to nine out of ten during the eight-year war. Toys and a lot of things were so expensive that kids stayed home looted and killed each other just for a water pistol. There's only the shadow of death star, with victorious general and body bags from the earth-scorching war.

His boss also died. In front of him, an old blog showed that debt and China Threat were purely fiction. Torn in his heart were his professionalism and congressmen who didn't care to read or listen. Too much bloody scene eventually drove him insane. He killed himself upon hearing news of mission complete.

The general, following through the order, went on hunting down the other nations, whose names are in the list. Death of boss doesn't actually matter, he was actually a robot pre-programmed with alternative set of automated command and control. He didn't need to understand the notion war against "debt terrorism" was just politician hoax and he wouldn't betray at last minute like half-alive Darth Vader.

The ruins of Disneyland reminisced a power country of past. The land of dream came true, --but what was the dream? Whoever sows the seeds of hatred got the chicken came back to roost.

Chapter 3: * The new world? *

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Goals of Anti-Chinese Propaganda

Goals of Anti-Chinese Propaganda

  • To connect Chinese to every problem facing America and every other group seen as opponents
  • To reinforce traditional negative stereotypes about Chinese
  • To create a climate of contempt toward Chinese
  • To dehumanize the image of Chinese (to facilitate discrimination, segregation, exile, and murder)

This is exactly what is was about Nazi. Only changed Jews to Chinese and swapped German with American.


To achieve the hate agenda best, try adding another C-word to both group no matter how remotely the truth is or how absurd the propaganda can be.

Murder and massacre are not imminent. But the hysteria of China Threat trash talk makes it a daily annoyance and hostile environment.

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Why the Aryan Law? -- "they" and "us"

It is not hard to smell the intolerance and resentment between "they" and "us". Exclusions and holocaust were justified to remove them. It is not just felt by Jews, the others most often being discriminated (and often together) are Red Indians, Yellow Chinese (and Asia), and Black Negros.

Germans and Jews

The starting point of the discussion is the scientific fact that the Jew is different than the German. This is neither arrogant nor boastful, it simply is the way things are. For us, the Jewish question is a question between two peoples...

The most remarkable thing about Jewry is that it has not disappeared over the millennia, even though it lacks its own territory and language...

And you think you can be a “good German”! True, you do speak German, just as your racial comrades in other countries speak English, French, Spanish, and Polish, but you are no more a German than they are Englishmen, Frenchmen, Spaniards, or Poles, since Jews are a foreign body in every people.


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What is Hate Speech?

What is Hate Speech?

"Hate speech consists of verbal and nonverbal expression that is used to demean, oppress, or promote violence against someone on the basis of their membership in a social or ethnic group.  Hate speech involves more than simply indicating that you dislike someone.  It also is different than simply teasing or ridiculing someone, or shouting an ugly word at them in a single moment of anger or frustration."  

"In many cases, hate speech is created by people who are part of a majority population.  Their messages typically are directed toward people who are part of a minority population.  The targets of hate speech are chosen just because they belong to that particular group of people.  The messages of hate also are designed to degrade or otherwise harm these targets for the same reason." 


Hate speech is a communication that carries no meaning other than the expression of hatred for some group, especially in circumstances in which the communication is likely to provoke violence. It is an incitement to hatred primarily against a group of persons defined in terms of race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, religion, sexual orientation, and the like. Hate speech can be any form of expression regarded as offensive to racial, ethnic and religious groups and other discrete minorities or to women.


In law, hate speech is any speech, gesture or conduct, writing, or display which is forbidden because it may incite violence or prejudicial action against or by a protected individual or group, or because it disparages or intimidates a protected individual or group. The law may identify a protected individual or a protected group by certain characteristics.

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Trial'em for treason?

[UPDATE: A printable brochure about U.S. Debt issue is here. We relied on the accuracy of data from Federal Reserve, the central bank of America.]

If Americans need to kill or rob their debtors, here are their numbers. Only Ben Ladden rolling in his grave will want US to go after China. 

Poor China, despite being so called the worlds' second largest economy  by some controversial numbers and being USA' solid largest trading partners, holds less U.S. Debt per capita than Russia only to finance its trading account. 
It ranks at the solid bottom of ransom per capita. Not surprising, the top ones are bank centers: Luxembourg, Caribbean  Switzerland, Ireland, Hong Kong SAR and Belgium.

This is a list of trading partners that can be shaken down much more profitably: Japan, Taiwan (part of the great China). UK is not too shabby and even OPEC and Brazil are 90% and 30% better than the poor Russia and China with yield per kill.

Even as USA' biggest trading partner, China still held little US debt in ratio of GDP. About same with Brazil, half of Japan, a quarter of Taiwan (part of the great China if we call so). Only Russia and Britain has less, --but do much much less trading with USA.

The weak lame-duck president Obama doesn't have the guts to trial a single person who pushes USA to invade China for debt problem on conspiracy or treason ground!

The politics is more entertaining than comedian, hum...

Economic area Billions of dollars (est.) Ratio of owned US debt to GDP Population Per capita US Debt
Mainland China 1,268.10 10.10% 1,360,720,000 $932
Japan 1,149.10 19.30% 127,547,000 $9,009
Caribbean Banking Centers1 300.5 n/a 4016313 $74,820
Brazil 252.9 10.60% 198,936,000 $1,271
Oil exporters2 246.4 n/a 147,744,662 $1,668
Taiwan 183.6 38.70% 23,324,092 $7,872
Switzerland 179.7 28.40% 8,020,000 $22,406
Belgium 166.8 34.40% 11,151,495 $14,958
United Kingdom3 159.1 6.50% 62,262,000 $2,555
Luxembourg 143.8 253.40% 509,074 $282,474
Russia 136 6.70% 141,900,000 $958
Hong Kong SAR 126.5 48.10% 7,154,600 $17,681
Ireland 117.3 55.80% 6,399,115 $18,331
Others 1,159.20 n/a
Grand total 5,588.80 n/a

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China and the real debt figures according to deficit chairman and prez wannabe

Even Defense Secretary Leon Panetta called China’s ownership of U.S. debt non-problematic and non-threatening. He's probably the one needs China and World threat most to help maintain the world's largest employer, not counting "private contractors" like Mr. Snowden, due to perennial wars and congress mandates. But at least he doesn't want to be seen too ignorant, silly and hysteria.

Politicians has other good clown shows plotted. "We must not let any other countries hold our national and economic interests hostage." Congressman Sam Johnson weighs in on foreign debt threat! Michele Bachmann, a 2012 presidential hopeful, joked that "Hu's your daddy" with US national debt. Former Sen. Alan Simpson, co-chairman of the president's deficit-reduction committee put his immense insight about the fiscal cliff:

There's a group out there that doesn't give a damn about Republicans or Democrats or the president, and it's the people we owe $16 trillion to. Half of that is owned by private people -- people in New York or Cody, Wyoming. The other half is owned by feds, and half of that is owned by China.

Not to be overdone, former congressman and another 2012 President wannabe  Allen West declare "China owns about 29 percent of (the U.S.) debt.'' and "our Navy must be supported, not forgotten about". Same goes again, Herman Cain, another Republican presidential candidate in 2012, sounds the dire alarm "If we don't begin to grow with the potential that we have in this country, we will have another national security crisis, and that national security crisis is that China will be as big as we are," Cain said. "They'll start to develop a military as big and as good as ours, and they've got a billion more people and they're holding 26 percent of our debt. And you think we're going to be able to sing Kumbaya with them?"

We all know when someone lend us money at near zero interest rate, who is the beneficially. The beautiful part of national debt is it can be paid off with freshly printed money as long as congress doesn't go real and shutdown the printer. Chinese cannot foreclose American on the loan, legally or by its much less capable military power. The best they hope is the pittance in interest and the US eventually  pay off in printed bills in the future, at current value or far less due to inflation. Agree with our intuition John Frisbie reported to congress that the bigger issue for the U.S. is the size of fiscal deficit and the long term implications for the economy.  It is not the level of China’s debt holdings. For the same report Pentagon put it more straightforward and in completely agreement with us, "Attempting to use U.S. Treasury securities as a coercive tool would have limited effect and likely would do more harm to China than to the United States."

Above said, China is of no threat but our biggest economic helper? Despite assurance from DoD, Politically motivated pundit has no difficulty to invent and drum up a totally imaginary China threat, "Debt Terrorism". The real "threat" is now that China can sell them off, at huge loss to Chinese people. But this MAD act will causing a financing vacuum and US will crash! Didn't we warned that China hold 25-29% of US national debt!!!

These congressmen teaches American just like the Nazi brainwash their kids in "The Cattle Jew"
There was once a Jew called Kohn
With 100,000 talers all his own
From cutting offers to the bone.
Greed of gold had sullied his soul.
Came a farmer in greatest need,
Cows and pigs he offered the Jew
For 120 Gulden new
To free himself from binding debt.
The Jew, however, was not ashamed
To pay him half the price he named.
Away went cattle with grinning Jew,
The farmer was heartbroken, too.
Misfortune dogs him more and more;
In Jewish hands there’s death in store.
So listen, you people, wherever you are:
“Don’t trust a fox on the greensward
And never a Jew on his plighted word!”

Let's go to the numbers! "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and above that China Threat mongers."

The latest Federal Reserve data showed China is leery of holding too much US debt and quietly allowed Japan to move ahead of pack. Who wants the trouble of holding paper with questionable credit rating that pays a pittance? "Nazi is new vogue" and "hatre is new freedom", with patriotic president wannabe and kids all plan to came to the other end and kill everyone in China. It is best to play safe and not to hold the hot potato or provide cheap financing to the ever-increasing US IOUs!

Federal Reserve have reams of numbers:

To give pundit enough credit, we have to go back to 2011 rather than using the latest data showed China is no long foreign debtor #1. Even when we pick 2011 when China was singled out as the biggest foreign debt holder, here's the breakdown according to Federal reserve

Domestic:  owed to federal entities 4618.471 33.4%
Domestic: Other Investors 1281 9.3%
Foreign: China 1154.7 8.3%
Foreign: Others 1022.6 7.4%
Foreign: Japan 885.9 6.4%
Domestic: Federal Reserve 812 5.9%
Domestic: Mutual Funds 608 4.4%
Domestic: Private Pension Funds 588 4.2%
Domestic: State & Local Governments 509 3.7%
Domestic: Banks & Savings Institutions 338 2.4%
Foreign: United Kingdom 278.4 2.0%
Domestic: Insurance Companies 255 1.8%
Foreign: Oil Exporters† 215.5 1.6%
Foreign: Brazil 197.6 1.4%
Domestic: U.S. Savings Bonds 189 1.4%
Domestic: State and Local Government Pension Funds 188 1.4%
Foreign: Caribbean Banking Centers‡ 166.5 1.2%
Foreign: Taiwan 157.2 1.1%
Foreign: Russia 139.3 1.0%
Foreign: Hong Kong 128.1 0.9%
Foreign: Switzerland 107.6 0.8%
13839.87 100.0%

and the Pie

Even at the peak, China owns only about 8.3% of US National Debt! Put in perspective, to get America  completely out of debt crisis, we have to kill or rob the people holding the rest 91.7% too after annihilation of Chinese. If we count per capita, it is much easier to rob the 300 million US domestic debt holders who held 67.8% of the national debt, then shake down the 127 million Japanese who hold 6.4%  in their life retirement savings before we figure out how to kill off everyone of 1.3 billion in China, --who will be cornered in a nasty nuclear war followed by guerrilla resistance in their mountains for their life.

How's our deficit chairman's facts? It is at least a tad better than president wannabes.

Private US Citizen                   50%
Federal Reserve Bank              25%
China                                    25%

Frustrated that Federal Reserve cannot get the numbers meaningfully close to any of the president wannabe like or deficit-reduction chairman, Herman Cain told supporters at a tea party rally in Iowa in 2012. "No. 1, we have to stay informed, stay informed, because stupid people are ruining America," he said. "They are. Stupid people (like Feds who cannot get our wanted numbers) are ruining this country!"

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China Threat Myth on National Debt, Currency Manipulation

Somehow kids in US learned that one way to get out of national debt is "You came by the other end and kill everyone in China." Politicians and Comedians around US are lecturing and rehashing the imminent Chinese threats. 

Afraid to be outdone by Politicians and Comedians, Pastor Mike Hoggard in his youtube Awakened2Truth channel "suggest that he discovered the new world order propheted by ancient Chinese Taosim "Five Element System". Communist Chinese are anti-Christian, will soon dominate the world, force American into poverty to the point to survive only by eating our children for food

Deuteronomy 28:53
King James Version (KJV)
53 And thou shalt eat the fruit of thine own body, the flesh of thy sons and of thy daughters, which the Lord thy God hath given thee, in the siege, and in the straitness, wherewith thine enemies shall distress thee.

But what's the logic behind the China threat by loaning US money at almost zero interest and keeping consumer price inflation low so that Fed Reserve can keep on printing IOU that may never pay back as expected? The author would like to be on the receiving end of goods and printing the paper money.

The fact is that globalization and copetition between countries will force Countries to adjust and specialize in industries, just like private business sectors have to figure out how to survive and prosper. Even China and India are also facing the ever increasing cost of labor increase. Due to cost increase and various discriminatory trading quota and anti-free market regulations in other countries some of the Chinese textile and shoe industries has to migrate to other countries or close down.

With the limited resource and ever-growing world consumption, we are seeing that it is difficult to maintain same relative living standard that's much better than other countries without working harder and smarter in United States. Meanwhile even with the neck-breaking growth in China, in fact a typical province like Hunan only have the same GDP like the Washington State. But with 10 times the population to support and a fast aging population. Go figure how much the Chinese threat hold water.

The biggest problem facing US and world is aging (if not a world war incited by hatred, xenophobia and neo-Nazism or hundreds of cash draining Iraq/Afghan war or such). People are living much longer than what was expected decades ago. They also needs much more expensive medical and elder care, partly blamed by the lawsuit liability cost.

When Social Security System were established in 1935 to combat the worst economical crisis, the average life expectancy was 61 years old in United States. In 2011 it was 78.7 years. On average people already live 18 years more, ideally mostly on pension or their 401K / 403B, if they are lucky to have. Otherwise it is 100% on social security. Then there's the huge cost of Medicare.

There's simply no enough savings planned ahead of time for the promise. Nor have productivity growth made up for the shortfall. Adding the war and waste (It is not a secret nearly half of the food were thrown away in United States while one in six lives in hunger).

To China, its future is even less certain. With projected 1.6 billion aging people, 1/7th of United States' per capita arable land and still rapid shrinking due to the low margin and high pollution industry. It can be in humanitarian crisis if were continuing bashed, treated with hatred and discrimination. That's why they are keeping their chin down and working hard. If they were demonized and a war were forced on them, they will have to, fight for survive till the last blood.

It is clear what politicians, comedians and pastors are doing when they blame China. From dumping, labor cost to currency manipulation in order to loan us money. Hitler used same exact worlds for Jews.

Does this sound familiar for our war monger's rhetoric? These people really believe their view of world and American future. We hope that Jimmy Kimmel, Disney/ABC producer and everyone understand this basics and know how to teach the kids.

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The Chinese insight and sensitivity for Walter Disney and others

Jimmy Kimmel had plenty of fun poking of kids spelling Mr. Barack Obama and entertaining in the unconsciable idea of killing all Chinese in his show, we are not sure whether he can do a special show to help everyone get the insight and sensitivity of Chinese for everyone in American.

The US political environment today looks eerily similar to the past. Along with other ethnic groups but in particularly singled out for Chinese, the systematic discrimination, isolation, persecution and even massacre of Chinese lasted at least more than a century from 1858-1967. Chinamen were forced to live apart, from American society and from their families and children at home.

The first significant Chinese immigration to America began with the California Gold Rush of 1848-1855 and continued with subsequent large labor projects, such as the building of the First Transcontinental Railroad. During the early stages of the gold rush, when surface gold was plentiful, the Chinese were tolerated, if not well received. As gold became harder to find and competition increased, animosity toward the Chinese and other foreigners increased. After being forcibly driven from the mines, most Chinese settled in enclaves in cities, mainly San Francisco, and took up low end wage labor such as restaurant and laundry work. With the post Civil War economy in decline by the 1870s, anti-Chinese animosity became politicized by labor leader Denis Kearney and his Workingman's Party as well as by California Governor John Bigler, both of whom blamed Chinese "coolies" for depressed wage levels...

In the early 1850s, there was resistance to the idea of excluding Chinese migrant workers from immigration, because they provided essential tax revenue which helped fill the fiscal gap of California. But toward the end of the decade, the financial situation improved and subsequently, attempts to legislate Chinese exclusion became successful on the state level.[3] In 1858, California Legislature passed a law that made it illegal for any person "of the Chinese or Mongolian races" to enter the state; however, this law was struck down by an unpublished opinion of the State Supreme Court in 1862... In 1879, California adopted a new Constitution, which explicitly authorized the state government to determine which individuals were allowed to reside in the state, and banned the Chinese from employment by corporations and state, county or municipal governments.[5] Once the Chinese Exclusion Act was finally passed in 1882, California went further by passing various laws that were later held to be unconstitutional...

Later, the Immigration Act of 1924 restricted immigration even further, excluding all classes of Chinese immigrants and extending restrictions to other Asian immigrant groups. Until these restrictions were relaxed in the middle of the twentieth century, Chinese immigrants were forced to live a life apart, and to build a society in which they could survive on their own (Chinatown).

Furthermore, the Chinese Exclusion Act did not address the problems that whites were facing; in fact, the Chinese were quickly and eagerly replaced by the Japanese, who assumed the role of the Chinese in society. Unlike the Chinese, some Japanese were even able to climb the rungs of society by setting up businesses or becoming truck farmers. However, the Japanese were later targeted in the National Origins Act of 1924, which banned immigration from east Asia entirely.

The Chinese Exclusion Act was repealed by the 1943 Magnuson Act, during a time when China had become an ally of the U.S. against Japan in World War II. The Magnuson Act permitted Chinese nationals already residing in the country to become naturalized citizens and stop hiding from the threat of deportation. It also allowed a national quota of 105 Chinese immigrants per year. Large scale Chinese immigration did not occur until the passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965. Despite the fact that the exclusion act was repealed in 1943, the law in California prohibiting Chinese people from marrying whites was not repealed until 1948. Other states had such laws until 1967, when the United States Supreme Court unanimously ruled in Loving v. Virginia that anti-miscegenation laws are unconstitutional.

Even today, although all its constituent sections have long been repealed, Chapter 7 of Title 8 of the United States Code is headed "Exclusion of Chinese." It is the only chapter of the 15 chapters in Title 8 (Aliens and Nationality) that is completely focused on a specific nationality or ethnic group.

On June 18, 2012, the United States House of Representatives passed a resolution introduced by Congresswoman Judy Chu, that formally expresses the regret of the House of Representatives for the Chinese Exclusion Act, which imposed almost total restrictions on Chinese immigration and naturalization and denied Chinese-Americans basic freedoms because of their ethnicity. The resolution had been approved by the U.S. Senate in October 2011.

The above text were take from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_Exclusion_Act under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.

On May 6, 1882, the Chinese Exclusion Act passed congress and was signed by President Chester A. Arthur. It is a big excitement. Pamphlets from "Democratic Coolly Central Committee" reads

Come Everybody!

A political cartoon from 1882, showing a Chinese man being barred entry to the "Golden Gate of Liberty" with caption, "We must draw the line somewhere, you know." Chinamen were not allowed in the "Free World" along with convicts and women “imported for the purposes of prostitution”. Also China women has a special treatment too "prohibition of immigration of Chinese prostitutes" separating from the rest of the world.

With the hidden agenda to force established Chinese to leave, U.S. officials in China screens Chinese women were so rigorously to hunt down "prostitution" suspects that there were only 136 women among the almost 40,000 Chinese who immigrated to US in the few months prior to the Chinese Exclusion Act.

Like Hitler's purge of Jews, Chinese are also subject to physical abuse, attacks and massacre. Even if they were not deported, they would have no rights in America. Similar situation happened in Canada.

In fact, the resentment in American Society to Chinese was only matched by the war against Red Indians or the genocide of Nazi Japan and Nazi Germany. Like the racists in American, Nazi were to teach "kids" the same hatred song and demonizing these "inferior" races.

At the creation of the world
The Lord God conceived the races:
Red Indians, Negroes, and Chinese,
And Jew, too, the rotten crew.

From the author: Even today my American-born kids would sometimes tell me, "No one like me in school. They don't have my color! Theirs are different". In this perceptual world of discrimination and hatred we have to tell them the story of Martin Luther King Jr. and Abraham Lincoln. Telling them that there has been more than a century of discrimination and resentment. Telling them that there are lies, sterotypes and uninformed people. Their identity is American Chinese. They are part of Asian American. They will choose their destination when they grow up.
 They will one day face down on their own, --prejudice can be in any race, country and groups.

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Is it a repetition of Disney signature lack of "insight and sensitivity"?

We are lucky and get a copy of this to share with everyone. Our questions is:

1. A lot of company have very good and zero tolerance on potentially offending, racism and genocide speeches. It is hard to believe that Walter Disney and ABC doesn't have the talent, sensitivity or experience. In fact, only last year a self-claimed "honest mistake" in Disney/ESPN led to swift and decisive action after only 132 supporters on change.org.

It is easy to see how Chinese would be offended by the politician attacks to the extent of ad nausea. Why that same racial slur canned Anthony Federico was tolerated during 2008 Bejing Olympics?

2. Why Disney/ABC only privately apologize to Mr. S. B. Woo of 80-20 rather than the 50,000 and still growing number of people outraged from reading off internet? Or this 5,639 also on the same change.org?

If hindsight is 20/20, shouldn't Disney/ABC to post this at their website and go on-air with the unfortunately purged original unabridged satire to help people understand the issue and context --is it so hard to explain and make the apology more sincerely?

It is up to Disney and Jimmy to decide how to resolve the lack of trust,  demonizations and fallout.

If people choose to read the following cynically, this letter can be interpret this way:

Fxxx you if you don't have the humor to tell its a joke (but we removed it so you should not see it any more). Why should we have any insight or sensitivity to Chinese? A personal phone call to one of the most influential Asian American expressed concerns is all and the best we can do. Take it or go away. This is the end and it is sufficient. Let us repeat it to you deaf grandpa. We would never do wrong purposefully! And we had big sacrifice by removing it from our show. That was a cool one! Damn stop this silliness freak... You want more of me?

Is it a repetition of lack of "insight and sensitivity" or willfully choose to do it this way? We stand to be corrected by the action of Disney/ABC as well as Jimmy Kimmel himself. We understand, he is probably under attorney debriefing and watching the spin on it hopelessly. This cynical reading is really not our preference. We are not sure whether Disney/ABC will privately contact us and every Asian American and Chinese to thank for this insight and sensitivity.

Disney is supposed to be a magic where dreams come true.

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