Sunday, October 27, 2013

China Threat Myth on National Debt, Currency Manipulation

Somehow kids in US learned that one way to get out of national debt is "You came by the other end and kill everyone in China." Politicians and Comedians around US are lecturing and rehashing the imminent Chinese threats. 

Afraid to be outdone by Politicians and Comedians, Pastor Mike Hoggard in his youtube Awakened2Truth channel "suggest that he discovered the new world order propheted by ancient Chinese Taosim "Five Element System". Communist Chinese are anti-Christian, will soon dominate the world, force American into poverty to the point to survive only by eating our children for food

Deuteronomy 28:53
King James Version (KJV)
53 And thou shalt eat the fruit of thine own body, the flesh of thy sons and of thy daughters, which the Lord thy God hath given thee, in the siege, and in the straitness, wherewith thine enemies shall distress thee.

But what's the logic behind the China threat by loaning US money at almost zero interest and keeping consumer price inflation low so that Fed Reserve can keep on printing IOU that may never pay back as expected? The author would like to be on the receiving end of goods and printing the paper money.

The fact is that globalization and copetition between countries will force Countries to adjust and specialize in industries, just like private business sectors have to figure out how to survive and prosper. Even China and India are also facing the ever increasing cost of labor increase. Due to cost increase and various discriminatory trading quota and anti-free market regulations in other countries some of the Chinese textile and shoe industries has to migrate to other countries or close down.

With the limited resource and ever-growing world consumption, we are seeing that it is difficult to maintain same relative living standard that's much better than other countries without working harder and smarter in United States. Meanwhile even with the neck-breaking growth in China, in fact a typical province like Hunan only have the same GDP like the Washington State. But with 10 times the population to support and a fast aging population. Go figure how much the Chinese threat hold water.

The biggest problem facing US and world is aging (if not a world war incited by hatred, xenophobia and neo-Nazism or hundreds of cash draining Iraq/Afghan war or such). People are living much longer than what was expected decades ago. They also needs much more expensive medical and elder care, partly blamed by the lawsuit liability cost.

When Social Security System were established in 1935 to combat the worst economical crisis, the average life expectancy was 61 years old in United States. In 2011 it was 78.7 years. On average people already live 18 years more, ideally mostly on pension or their 401K / 403B, if they are lucky to have. Otherwise it is 100% on social security. Then there's the huge cost of Medicare.

There's simply no enough savings planned ahead of time for the promise. Nor have productivity growth made up for the shortfall. Adding the war and waste (It is not a secret nearly half of the food were thrown away in United States while one in six lives in hunger).

To China, its future is even less certain. With projected 1.6 billion aging people, 1/7th of United States' per capita arable land and still rapid shrinking due to the low margin and high pollution industry. It can be in humanitarian crisis if were continuing bashed, treated with hatred and discrimination. That's why they are keeping their chin down and working hard. If they were demonized and a war were forced on them, they will have to, fight for survive till the last blood.

It is clear what politicians, comedians and pastors are doing when they blame China. From dumping, labor cost to currency manipulation in order to loan us money. Hitler used same exact worlds for Jews.

Does this sound familiar for our war monger's rhetoric? These people really believe their view of world and American future. We hope that Jimmy Kimmel, Disney/ABC producer and everyone understand this basics and know how to teach the kids.

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