Saturday, October 26, 2013

The humble beginning

Prejudice, hate speech, and bullying are inherent in human society. It is a little bit surprise that there hasn't been a voice and forum for 1.3 billion Chinese. Hopefully this rather humble start can help. Please join, help and advise us.

The name Chinese merely reflecting the fact that Chinese's voices and actions are often isolated and ostensibly missing in international communities. We do wholeheartedly welcome and need all the non-Chinese sharing the same value. There should never be prejudice against any race, gender, religion, language or nationality.

The trigger for starting this is Disney/ABC's TV Jimmy Kimmel show about the idea of "kill everyone in China". Curiously ABC took it offline and there's nowhere to find it except in HK's South China Morning Post. We understand some can argue that it is just a satire and the people outraged are simply "not getting it". However if this is legitimate free speech, Disney/ABC should be proudly air it and everyone can connect with them in the same spirit of free speech.

We try our best not to put our own prejudice on the TV show. Please let us know how do you feel. Also we'd like to hear you feel if the "China" or "Chinese" is replaced with your community. You are also free to share with your experiences of prejudices by Chinese and in China.

Thanks for reading and joining us!

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